The Good Life Centre for Women ~ Obstetrics and Gynecology ~





PapSure® is the only in-office, direct visual screening exam cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for all women recommended for a pelvic exam and a Pap smear.

PapSure® is a simple visual exam that is performed by your physician in addition to your Pap smear. First, your cervix is washed with a mild vinegar solution. Then, your physician examines your cervix visually using a small, disposable blue light and a magnifying optic. The blue light is designed to cause abnormal tissue to appear bright white, helping your physician to better detect possibly harmful abnormalities.

The most significant benefit of PapSure® is confidence. With PapSure®, you can be confident that if you have any cervical abnormalities, even early disease, your healthcare provider may be able to see it, even if your Pap smear does not detect it.

Over the past few years a number of new technologies have been developed that are designed to improve either the slide preparation for the Pap smear or the actual reading of the Pap smear.

While the Pap smear provides a sample of surface cells, the visual portion of a PapSure® exam may reveal cervical abnormalities the Pap smear alone may not detect.

We believe women should have all the necessary information available to them in order to make an informed decision. It is PapSure's combination of results from the traditional Pap smear and the visual exam that gives both examiner and patient a high degree of confidence.

Important Information:

Speculoscopy should never be used without a Pap smear. Speculoscopy is only to be used as an adjunct to Pap smear. The combination of the two tests is what results in improved sensitivity in identifying women with cervical abnormalities as compared with Pap smear alone. Speculoscopy is not intended to grade acetowhite lesions or direct biopsies. Women with abnormal Pap smear, even in the presence of a negative speculoscopy, should have additional evaluation.

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