caduseus The Good Life Centre for Women
~ Obstetrics and Gynecology ~
James R. Caputo, M.D.

The following document is the Appeal that was written to the Administrative Review Board after the 2007 Determination and Order.  This document was written by myself out of necessity since by this time, I had been financially destroyed and couldn't afford to have my attorney write it.  This was the second time I had to write such an Appeal. I also wrote the first Appeal back in January of 2006 after the first kangaroo court was held where Aubry's buddy was "conveniently" seated on my jury. 

Of course, if you read the Vacatur Petition, you would know that the original Determination and Order was thrown out due to this Appeal, with the ARB citing widespread bias that pervaded the entire proceeding.  In other words, the entire thing was corrupt.  Remember, the vacating of that first D&O due to this corruption was the first time in the Department of Health's history that such a thing had to be done. 

This Appeal document was an even stronger argument than the first one but somehow virtually every single thing that was addressed was passed over by the ARB as they simply rubberstamped the second and equally corrupted Hearing's Determination. 


2008 ARB Appeal

