caduseus The Good Life Centre for Women
~ Obstetrics and Gynecology ~
James R. Caputo, M.D.

The following documents are two letters written to the then President of the Medical School, Steven Scheinman, M.D. detailing the matters we had discussed in person in and around that time. 

As you can see, and especially for the Ob/Gyn's out there who may have trained in a different program than Upstate, these are significant deficiencies that have led to countless resident physicians to leave this program completely ill-equiped to be able to practice effectively and safely.  This does not mean that there aren't some who do make it through with the necessary skills. However, such competence is far more a testimony to their own diligence and not at all due to the embarrassment that is the Upstate Ob/Gyn Residency Program, which has for decades been considered one of the worst around. This is entirely attributable to the incompetent individuals who have ruled over this program during these years. 

As you can see in my writing, I am way too much of an idealist in that I actually expected someone with authority and charge over matters of excellence in medical education to actually give a darn.  This program needs a complete overhaul and if done so, could be an outstanding one given all the potential it holds. 

I submit this as an adjunct to the Vacatur Petition by illustraing how even the Residency under the rulership of those named in the brief to the DOH is a sham of excellence in Post Graduate Medical Education.


Scheinman Residency Letter

Scheinman follow up Letter

